Monday, December 14, 2009

Autumn Colours Throughout The UK

Mahogany lane, cream feather cloud
White picket fence, no dogs allowed
A turnstile green, a kissing gate
Red columbines, a cat called Cate
A walk to the river,a seat of rushes
One-legged swallow, a nest of thrushes
Baby's breath, Love in the mist
A blaring foghorn, nautical twist
A seashore prance, merperson she
Rocks riding waves, a storm-spent sea
Two ships sailing in the night
A distant call, one out of sight
A letter faded, a long lost scroll
A heart which gave, a body who stole
A dance forgotten by all but her
Evening of glitter, night of blur
Eyes of stars which stopped seeing
Time moved, life sang save one being

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