Saturday, December 19, 2009

How do I fall asleep with you in my head?
Your voice echoing like the ending of Moonlight Sonata
Your voice shouting like crazy fans demanding encores
Your voice singing Here Without You
Your voice like silk stars between night covers
Your voice like warm toast and honey
Your voice like yellow buttercups
Your voice like dew on a cold cold grass tip
Your voice like that gust of grey wind before the storm
Your voice talking of dinner and stock prices
Your voice describing Love In the Time of Cholera
Your voice when you are laughing and can’t stop
Your voice speaking that one Italian phrase you know
Your voice when you came up and said hello
Your voice when you carelessly deny you care
Your voice exclaiming Tch when the guitar string snaps
Your voice when you remember Lennon or Trotsky
Your voice humming that irritating tune you have memorized
Your voice smiling that secret smile and being silent
Perhaps tonight I'll exorcise that phantom voice
Perhaps tonight I’ll get some of that elusive sleep.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Autumn Colours Throughout The UK

Mahogany lane, cream feather cloud
White picket fence, no dogs allowed
A turnstile green, a kissing gate
Red columbines, a cat called Cate
A walk to the river,a seat of rushes
One-legged swallow, a nest of thrushes
Baby's breath, Love in the mist
A blaring foghorn, nautical twist
A seashore prance, merperson she
Rocks riding waves, a storm-spent sea
Two ships sailing in the night
A distant call, one out of sight
A letter faded, a long lost scroll
A heart which gave, a body who stole
A dance forgotten by all but her
Evening of glitter, night of blur
Eyes of stars which stopped seeing
Time moved, life sang save one being

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I wasn’t thinking of you
The sun reminded me
While ending a cold winter day
Steeped in twilight
I remembered you called this
Our moment
That uncanny minute when
Word is obliviated from beings
When silence and shadows
Walk the aisle
Towards a transient union
The minute which I called Death
The minute which you called love.
Today I still found that moment eerie
Silence and shadows seemed
To dance to sinuous death
The gloom, unlightened by your breath
Seemed to separate me from life.
The minute passed but
I waited for the sun to die again
Now you call the minute death
I’ll know it by no name but love